Ashleigh Ewing


My Progress

I'm running 50km this May to leave MS behind

My Progress


My Target


Support my challenge to leave MS behind!

I’m taking part in The May 50K challenge this May to raise funds for life-changing research into multiple sclerosis!

MS strikes young people in the prime of their lives. The average age of diagnosis is only 30 years old, and there is no known cure.

Please make a donation and support my challenge to leave MS where it belongs, behind us.

Your donation will support research into the prevention, treatment and finding a cure for multiple sclerosis to change lives.

Thank you!

Thank you to my Sponsors


Peter Russell

I'd spend this much on lottery tickets, rather it go somewhere important


Carolyn Cunningham

Sorry to hear you’re in hospital feeling crapola. Good luck on your challenge. Think of you often when I see anything about MS and always think how amazing you are to live with this every day and still be the amazing mum and person that you are.





Love you darlin Ash


Bethwyn Reid

Let's kick MS butt




Kyran And Jason Ewing

Love ya guts and all ya butts


Nicholas Reynders

Well done Smashleigh…I hope you run better than you play MarioKart 😜😘


Ashleigh Ewing

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