Hannah Fick

My Progress

I'm running 50km this May to leave MS behind

My Progress


My Target


Pay me to run and fund essench research into MS

I’m putting my literal BODY on the line this May for The May 50K challenge. We're raising funds for life-changing research into multiple sclerosis in solidarity with KINN & Co.'s very own real-life angel, Gracie Calder. 

Grace's mum has MS so we're rallying to raise as much as we can (also a highly competitive team, so I must win this challenge and raise the most). 

You donation means the world! 

Thank you to my Sponsors



Even the Annon Cash can’t stop her


Alice Marriott


Emily Aitken

Your ruthless social media campaign convinced me, run Han run


Gabrielle Scott

Go you sick cunt xx



Well done Han Han



You’re a good girl


Ashleigh Medwin

Donating more to unlock bonus content


Graham Dombrose

You had me at 'the running remains afwful'. Well done Han, big effort and very worthy cause. GD


Your Biggest Fan


Vp Fit

We always got your back Fickdog


Jarrah And Madi

Love your work Hannah! Happy running.


Ls Merchants



Dear Han, I’m your biggest fan. Love Stan.



Have a good run Hannah!


Stephanie Carton


J&n Marriott

Great work Hannah. Good luck


Georgie Gates


Prue & Simon

Go! You’re a winner!


Rosie Iffla

Goooo Han!


Anna Mitton

Way to go Hann xx


Annalee Hagood-earl

I love a double deal and spending someone else's money on charity.


Anna Randrup

Yeah OnlyHans!


Jorja Astill

Hannah you’re a hot cunt and I love you


Liana Rossi


Caitie Jefferies


Kyle Jeavons


Fomo Freo


Tyler Mackey

Run Forest Run! 🏃‍♀️


Annalee Hagood-earl

Go get'em 🐅!



You go gorgeous gorgeous gorls x




Beth Ferialdi


Gabby Torrance


Kelly Mcgilben-ferrari

You’re a doll, run baby run 🏃‍♀️


Kate H

I thought this was for OnlyHam


Janet Keating


Leah Galante


Ben Davis

Wheres the pints?



Good luck! Wouter




Edward Treleaven


Lucy Byrnes

Go girl


Connor Makenzie





Margs .

The price of beer has gone up Han. Get it girl!


Priiya Taylor


Andrew Christie

RUN FASTER HANNAH (said in a South African accent)


Ashleigh Medwin

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