AOT Warriors

We are fundraising to help find a cure and leave MS behind.




OF $1,000 GOAL



of 300KM GOAL

Support our challenge to leave MS behind!

What is the May50k?

The "May 50K for Multiple Sclerosis" is a fundraising event organized annually in May to raise awareness and support for those affected by multiple sclerosis (MS). Participants typically engage in various activities such as walks, runs, bike rides, or other challenges to collectively reach a goal of raising $50,000 or more for MS research, treatment, and advocacy efforts. The event aims to unite individuals and communities in solidarity with MS patients and their families, fostering a sense of empowerment and hope in the fight against this chronic neurological condition.

Why is it important to us?

The May50k holds profound significance for us here at Art of Training as one of our members, Claire, lives with this condition. It symbolizes not only a personal journey of resilience but also a collective effort towards a cause close to our hearts.

Thank you to our Sponsors



You are amazing!




Claire Higgins


Laura Brady

So proud of you! ♥️


Gemma O Connor

Forever the ray of sunshine xx

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